Law Enforcement Training
Get the same training as Ohio Prosecutors. Several of the training sessions were given to Ohio prosecutors at Ohio Prosecuting Attorney Association seminars. The other trainings have been given to various police departments.
Police use of Lethal Force:
The police use of deadly force has made national news. Numerous police officers across the nation have been charged with murder based upon their use of deadly force. In this presentation we will review recent United States Supreme Court case law and Ohio case law on the use of deadly force. Police officers will review the standard they must apply when they use deadly force and the process that prosecutors use to determine whether this use of force was warranted. We will also review several recent cases that have been in the news regarding the police use of deadly force. We will discuss the Cleveland case where Melissa Williams and Timothy Russell were shot in East Cleveland while fleeing from the police. Philip Bogdanoff was a consultant for the Cuyahoga County Prosecutors Office in that case and filed a 67 page report and assessment of the police use of force. Mr. Bogdanoff has done this presentation for numerous police departments and for the 2016 Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association spring seminar where it was described as captivating, interesting, relevant, useful and best presentation at the training seminar.
Consenting Adults and Really Hot Pursuits: Warrantless Searches and Seizures for Police: The State has the burden of proving that a search or seizure was reasonable under the Fourth Amendment when they do not obtain a search warrant. This seminar will review the most recent case law on seizures, consent searches, hot pursuit, exigent circumstances and other exceptions to the search warrant requirement. We will also discuss how a police officer and prosecutor can defend against a defense attorney’s argument that the police violated a defendant’s constitutional rights when they conducted a warrantless search or seizure.
A Guide to Winning the Miranda Battle:
Obtaining a statement from a defendant can make or break a case. The goal of any law enforcement officer is to have a defendant admit that he committed a crime. This seminar will examine when Miranda applies, reading a defendant his Miranda rights and obtaining a proper waiver of Miranda. We will review what is required for a defendant to assert his Miranda rights and discuss exceptions to the Miranda requirement. Finally, we will discuss the voluntariness of a confession and whether the police violated a defendant’s Fifth or Sixth Amendment Rights when obtaining a confession.
Search Warrants for Police and Warrantless Searches:
The police enter a house pursuant to a search warrant and are fired upon. However, they have entered the wrong house where there was no criminal activity. This seminar examines the Fourth Amendment and the information that needs to be on a search warrant and the affidavit to establish probable cause for the search. We will examine the procedures used to obtain a search warrant and what can go wrong if police make a mistake while executing a search warrant.
Self-Defense and the Castle Doctrine:
After parking his car before attending a Cleveland Cavaliers game, the defendant and a parking lot attendant have a dispute concerning an added $10 fee for a premier parking spot. The defendant shoots and kills the parking lot attendant claiming that he acted in self-defense. In a highly publicized case the jury rejects this claim. A claim of self-defense often leads to an emotional trial because the defendant is asserting that a homicide was justified. This seminar will examine the elements of self-defense, the duty to retreat, the castle doctrine and defense of another.
A Police Officer’s Guide to Testifying in Court:
Every prosecutor wants his police officer to be an outstanding witness. The goal of this seminar is to prepare your police officer to testify in court. We discuss the importance of good paperwork, preparing to testify and working with your prosecutor. We review disclosing favorable evidence pursuant to Brady and the recent trend of disclosing past police officer misconduct for impeachment evidence. Finally, we examine the rules of evidence and discuss how officers must limit their testimony to evidence that is relevant and admissible under these rules. Mr. Bogdanoff has presented this training to numerous police departments in Ohio.
Drugs, Mules, Cash, and Seizures: Putting the Pedal to the Metal on Drug Interdiction:
Each day drug dealers are transporting millions of dollars of drugs and illegal profits through the streets, highways and interstates of Ohio. Law Enforcement officers are using their training and experience to stop the flow of drugs through Ohio by stopping vehicles they suspect are transporting contraband. This presentation will look at the legal aspects of drug interdiction by reviewing case law involving stops, searches and seizures. The objective of this presentation is to give law enforcement officers training on legal aspects of drug interdiction in order that their drug and cash seizures will not be suppressed by the courts. This presentation has been presented to prosecutors and law enforcement officers in Ohio and attendees have given it a big thumbs up describing it as animated, engaging, useful, humorous, informative and awesome.